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Home Filters Number-filters

Number Filters

Provides methods for converting numbers into formatted strings. Methods are provided for phone numbers, currency, percentage, precision, positional notation, file size and pretty printing.


Formats a number into a US phone number (e.g., (555) 123-9876). You can customize the format in the options hash.

{{ 5551234 | number_to_phone }}
# => 555-1234

{{ '5551234' | number_to_phone }}
# => 555-1234

{{ 1235551234 | number_to_phone }}
# => 123-555-1234

{{ 1235551234 | number_to_phone: area_code: true }}
# => (123) 555-1234

{{ 1235551234 | number_to_phone: delimiter: ' ' }}
# => 123 555 1234

{{ 1235551234 | number_to_phone: area_code: true, extension: 555 }}
# => (123) 555-1234 x 555

{{ 1235551234 | number_to_phone: country_code: 1 }}
# => +1-123-555-1234

{{ '123a456' | number_to_phone }}
# => 123a456

{{ 1235551234 | number_to_phone: country_code: 1, extension: 1343, delimiter: "." }}
# => +1.123.555.1234 x 1343


Formats a number into a currency string (e.g., $13.65). You can customize the format in the options hash.

{{ 1234567890.50 | number_to_currency }}
# => $1,234,567,890.50

{{ 1234567890.506 | number_to_currency }}
# => $1,234,567,890.51

{{ 1234567890.506 | number_to_currency: precision: 3 }}
# => $1,234,567,890.506

{{ 1234567890.506 | number_to_currency: locale: :fr }}
# => 1 234 567 890,51 €

{{ '123a456' | number_to_currency }}
# => $123a456

{{ -1234567890.50 | number_to_currency: negative_format: "(%u%n)" }}
# => ($1,234,567,890.50)

{{ -1234567890.50 | number_to_currency: unit: "R$", separator: ",", delimiter: "" }}
# => R$1234567890,50

{{ -1234567890.50 | number_to_currency: unit: "R$", separator: ",", delimiter: "", format: "%n %u" }}
# => 1234567890,50 R$


Formats a number as a percentage string (e.g., 65%). You can customize the format in the options hash.

{{ 100 | number_to_percentage }}
# => 100.000%

{{ '98' | number_to_percentage }}
# => 98.000%

{{ 100 | number_to_percentage: precision: 0 }}
# => 100%

{{ 100 | number_to_percentage: precision: 0 delimiter: '.', separator: ',' }}
# => 1.000,000%

{{ 302.24398923423 | number_to_percentage: precision: 5 }}
# => 302.24399%

{{ 1000 | number_to_percentage: locale: :fr }}
# => 1 000,000%

{{ '98a' | number_to_percentage }}
# => 98a%

{{ 100 | number_to_percentage: format: "%n  %" }}
# => 100  %


Formats a number with grouped thousands using delimiter (e.g., 12,324). You can customize the format in the options hash.

{{ 12345678 | number_with_delimiter }}
# => 12,345,678

{{ 123456 | number_with_delimiter }}
# => 123,456

{{ 12345678.05 | number_with_delimiter }}
# => 12,345,678.05

{{ 12345678 | number_with_delimiter: delimiter: '.' }}
# => 12.345.678

{{ 12345678 | number_with_delimiter: delimiter: ',' }}
# => 12,345,678

{{ 12345678.05 | number_with_delimiter: separator: ' ' }}
# => 12,345,678 05

{{ 12345678.05 | number_with_delimiter: locale: :fr }}
# => 12 345 678,05

{{ '112a' | number_with_delimiter }}
# => 112a

{{ 98765432.98 | number_with_delimiter: delimiter: ' ', separator: ',' }}
# => 98 765 432,98


Formats a number with the specified level of :precision (e.g., 112.32 has a precision of 2 if :significant is false, and 5 if :significant is true). You can customize the format in the options hash.

{{ 111.2345 | number_with_precision }}
# => 111.235

{{ 111.2345 | number_with_precision: precision: 2 }}
# => 111.23

{{ 13 | number_with_precision: precision: 5 }}
# => 13.00000

{{ 389.32314 | number_with_precision: precision: 0 }}
# => 389

{{ 111.2345 | number_with_precision: significant: true }}
# => 111

{{ 111.2345 | number_with_precision: precision: 1, significant: true }}
# => 100

{{ 13 | number_with_precision: precision: 5, significant: true }}
# => 13.000

{{ 111.234 | number_with_precision: locale: :fr }}
# => 111,234

{{ 13 | number_with_precision: precision: 5, significant: true, strip_insignificant_zeros: true }}
# => 13

{{ 389.32314 | number_with_precision: precision: 4, significant: true }}
# => 389.3

{{ 1111.2345 | number_with_precision: precision: 2, separator: ',', delimiter: '.' }}
# => 1.111,23


Formats the bytes in number into a more understandable representation (e.g., giving it 1500 yields 1.5 KB). This method is useful for reporting file sizes to users. You can customize the format in the options hash.

{{ 123 | number_to_human_size }}
# => 123 Bytes

{{ 1234 | number_to_human_size }}
# => 1.21 KB

{{ 12345 | number_to_human_size }}
# => 12.1 KB

{{ 1234567 | number_to_human_size }}
# => 1.18 MB

{{ 1234567890 | number_to_human_size }}
# => 1.15 GB

{{ 1234567890123 | number_to_human_size }}
# => 1.12 TB

{{ 1234567 | number_to_human_size: precision: 2 }}
# => 1.2 MB

{{ 483989 | number_to_human_size: precision: 2 }}
# => 470 KB

{{ number_to_human_size: precision: 2, separator: ',' }}
# => 1,2 MB

Non-significant zeros after the fractional separator are stripped out by default (set :strip_insignificant_zeros to false to change that):

{{ 1234567890123 | number_to_human_size: precision: 5 }}
# => "1.1229 TB"

{{ 524288000 | number_to_human_size: precision: 5 }}
# => "500 MB"


Pretty prints (formats and approximates) a number in a way it is more readable by humans (eg.: 1200000000 becomes “1.2 Billion”). This is useful for numbers that can get very large (and too hard to read).

{{ 123 | number_to_human }}
# => "123"

{{ 1234 | number_to_human }}
# => "1.23 Thousand"

{{ 12345 | number_to_human }}
# => "12.3 Thousand"

{{ 1234567 | number_to_human }}
# => "1.23 Million"

{{ 1234567890 | number_to_human }}
# => "1.23 Billion"

{{ 1234567890123 | number_to_human }}
# => "1.23 Trillion"

{{ 1234567890123456 | number_to_human }}
# => "1.23 Quadrillion"

{{ 1234567890123456789 | number_to_human }}
# => "1230 Quadrillion"

{{ 489939 | number_to_human: precision: 2 }}
# => "490 Thousand"

{{ 489939 | number_to_human: precision: 4 }}
# => "489.9 Thousand"

{{ 1234567 | number_to_human: precision: 4, significant: false }}
# => "1.2346 Million"

{{ 1234567 | number_to_human: precision: 1, separator: ',', significant: false }}
# => "1,2 Million"

Non-significant zeros after the decimal separator are stripped out by default (set :strip_insignificant_zeros to false to change that):

{{ 12345012345 | number_to_human: significant_digits: 6 }}
# => "12.345 Billion"

{{ 500000000 | number_to_human: precision: 5 }}
# => "500 Million"